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The fish ladder in Barmstedt

Image Copyright: B�rbel Meisner

The water level of the Rantzauer Lake is being regulated by the damming of the river Krückau in Barmstedt.

Krückau or crutch?
This intervention into nature interrupts the natural trail of local fish. Because this height difference in the Krückauer weir can't be conquered by migrating young fish. The cycle of life is disrupted and reproduction not secured.

Image Copyright: B�rbel Meisner

Can fish, climb ladders?
1981 came the great idea: The Barmstedt fish ladder with nine steps was constructed at the castle island's weir. Step by step the fish 'climb' up the way of the important migration towards the sea. Only when the fish are on their way back will they spawn in the native becks.

Architect Angler
By the way, the idea for the fish ladder stems from local anglers. Sure, they profit from this simple, but genial construction.

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