Liether Lime Pit
The lime pit in the Liether moor offers wide Grand Canyon feeling in the district Pinneberg. Well, at least a 'small canyon', when one stands at the edge and looks into the around 30m deep pit.

Geological valuable
Sand, clay and lime has been mined here for 140 years. That exposed geological interesting formations, which go back in parts to the Palaeozoic. Age: up to 270 million years. An information board gives specific information about the pit's botany and geology.
Naturally valuable
And it has its importance for nature. Because of its geological characteristic biocoenosis could develop which wouldn't have a chance anywhere else. Reason enough to found a nature reserve here in 1991.

A 'hat' made of gypsum
A feature at the pit's floor: the gypsum hat (Werra Anhydrite). About its origin, expansion and size is documented at another board at the edge of the lime pit.
Finding instead of searching
The impressive geology show is not that easy to find: One has to drive from Pinneberg direction Elmshorn, through Tornesch all the way to Heidgraben. At the green sign 'Heidgraben' turn right into the Birkenweg. Now follow the signposts for cyclists and the sign 'Alter Ochsenweg', under which you find a smaller sign saying 'Exkurs Liether Kalkgrube'. At the end of the Langengang you've reach your target.